Before throwing away any items, consider if they can be recycled or donated. In addition to Goodwill and the Salvation Army, Montgomery County provides a list of other organizations that receive donated goods here.
You can receive additional information by calling 311, the Montgomery County non-emergency goverment information and services number.
Trash Pickup
Trash service for Diamond Farm is provided by B&B Refuse, Inc. and is included as a part of residents’ quarterly dues.
- Trash collection occurs weekly on Wednesday and Saturday.
- Trash may be put out as early as 7pm the night before pickup.
- Trash should be placed in trash cans with tight-fitting lids to discourage animals
- Trash must be put out on your property (for example, in your parking spot) unless your house does not directly face parking/the street
- Trash cans must be kept in backyards and sheds, out of public view, when not out for collection.
- If a pickup date falls on a holiday, collection will be delayed until the next regularly scheduled day.
Recycling & Leaf Pickup
The City of Gaithersburg contracts with a private hauler to provide recycling collection for newspapers, mixed paper, and corrugated cardboard, as well as commingled cans, glass containers, and plastic bottles. The contractor also collects brush, branches, leaves, grass, and other yard clippings (yard waste) on regularly scheduled recycling days.
- Recycling and yard waste collection occurs weekly on Friday.
- Recyclables and yard waste may be placed out as early as 7pm the night before pickup and should be placed on the curb by 7am. Our recycling pickups tend to come earlier than our trash collections!
- Recyclables and yard waste must be put out for pickup on your property (for example, in your parking spot) unless your house does not directly face parking/the street
- Recycle cans/bins must be kept in backyards and sheds, out of public view, when not out for collection
- The city will not collect hazardous materials including paint. You can call 301.840.2852 for information on disposing of these items or take them to the Montgomery County Transfer Station.
- If recycling is cancelled due to a holiday or weather emergency the contractor performs a special pickup on Saturday
- Yard waste, including branches smaller in diameter than a pencil, must be placed in commercial yard waste bags or other paper bags. Yard waste materials for pickup may not be placed in plastic bags
- Branches up to 4 inches in diameter, 6 feet long, and 40 pounds in weight must be placed in neat piles with cut (or larger) ends at the same end. Branches that exceed these measurements will not be collected.
The city also conducts a loose leaf pickup program in the spring and autumn for leaves that have been raked to the curb. Spring collection occurs from the last week of March through the first two weeks of April. Autumn collection occurs from the last week of October through the last week of December. For more information on the program, click here.
Bulk Pick up
**The City of Gaithersburg has announced changes to the bulk pick up program beginning in November 2020: You must make an appointment for any bulk pick up service. You are allowed one free bulk pick up appointment per month.
To read the letter sent from the city to HOAs and community leaders click here. More details can be found on the city’s website.
Pickup is provided for free as part of the City of Gaithersburg’s bulk pickup program.
Acceptable items include:
- [expand title=”Large household items” elwraptag=”li”]
- Furniture
- Bedsprings and mattresses
- Rugs
- Large toys
- Televisions
- Computers
- Nonmetal sinks
- Tubs
- Toilets
- Small amounts of remodeling debris (piles smaller than 4′ x 4′ x 8′)
- [expand title=”Scrap metal.
Predominantly metal materials must be separated for special scrap metal recycling collection
- ” elwraptag=”li”]
- Washing machines
- Dryers
- Refrigerators
- Air conditioners
- Dishwashers
- Metal sinks
- Stoves
- Freezers
- Furnaces
- Iron furniture
- Lawn mowers
- Doors
- Cabinets
- Bikes
- Fitness equipment
Items not accepted include:
- Routine recyclable items
- Regular household refuse
- Contractor debris
- Household hazardous waste
- Propane tanks or tanks under pressure
- Motor vehicle parts, including tires
Please be mindful of cable and phone boxes when placing trash cans, recycling bins, lawn bags, or bulk items out for pickup, and please remember to leave sidewalks unobstructed. These items shall be placed out for pick up on your private property no earlier than 7pm the night before pick up.